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Getting ready to 'go-live'

An overview of the steps required to successfully go-live with Rotaready, typically completed by the site-based management team.

Amelia Andrews avatar
Written by Amelia Andrews
Updated over a week ago

After your Rotaready training and receiving the invite to setup your account, you're ready to start preparing to go live with Rotaready. This guide will remind of you of the steps to get up and running.

👀 Our training webinar offers a helpful refresher on how to use Rotaready.

Before starting these steps, your head office should ensure that they have followed the steps in our guide Succeeding with your setup. This ensures your environment and its settings are good to go.

'Go-live' date

You should familiarise yourself with your company's chosen 'go-live date', which is usually the date from which Rotaready will be the source of truth for your payroll. We recommend being fully prepared at least seven days before your go-live date.

Steps to going live

1. Administer joiners and leavers - you may need to add employees who've joined since you shared your data with us, or end the employment for any leavers.

2. Add your sales forecast - it’s best to enter your forecasted sales before building your first rota on Rotaready. This allows you to see your scheduled wage percentage as you schedule your team.

👀 Follow the steps in our Spotlight Session ‘Neatly navigating the weekly workflow’.

3. Draft your rota - you're now ready to start building your first rota. Your rota will only become visible to your staff once you've hit the publish button (step 4).

4. Publish your rota - when you’re ready, don’t forget to publish your rota. This makes the shifts visible to your team and is when your forecast labour metrics will first appear in cost control. If enabled for your organisation, you may need to mark your draft rota for approval before it can be published. This reserves the decision to publish a rota for someone else; perhaps a colleague in head office.

5. Invite your team – sending the magic links allows your colleagues to access their accounts to view their shifts, clock in, request absence, and so on. You can send invites individually using the Options button on a colleague’s profile. Alternatively, reach out to the Rotaready support team who can send invites in bulk for you.

You might prefer to complete this step prior to publishing your rota to give your team more time to set up their account.

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