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Cover shifts

How to schedule employee shifts in other sites/departments, often referred to as 'covers'.

Amelia Andrews avatar
Written by Amelia Andrews
Updated over a week ago

It's not uncommon to share employees across multiple sites/departments, especially if they're in close physical proximity to each other. Sometimes you simply need an extra member of staff from another site to bolster your workforce for a busy day. Or perhaps another site temporarily needs a member of your team.

โ—๏ธ While there's no hard and fast rule, if you need someone to work in a different site/department for longer than a week, we recommend you create a new appointment on their employee record (to move them into that site/department) instead of adding cover shifts.

How cover shifts work

In Rotaready, the site/department in which an employee is based (as per their appointment) is always ultimately responsible for them. This means you always have control over your team and the shifts they work. Another site can't "pull in" people from yours, instead you'll need to schedule them to work there.

Creating a cover

Simply click on a shift, or click an empty cell to add one. Within More shift options, change the Site to where you'd like the shift to be worked.

The employee assigned to the shift will appear on the chosen site's rota straightaway along with the shift itself, but the site won't be able to edit it. It'll also remain on your rota, and be marked with an icon to make it clear this is a cover shift. When the rota editor is in Standard row density mode, the name of the chosen site will also appear beneath the shift.

โœ… By default, attribute wage cost and hours to the chosen site is selected. This means the shift's hours and labour cost will contribute to the chosen site's Cost Control and reporting, and there will be no impact on yours.

Receiving a cover

If another site/department has scheduled a cover shift into your site, it'll appear on your rota alongside the name of the employee working it. As the assigned employee isn't part of your team, you won't be able to edit any of their shifts.

An employee's perspective

The cover shift will appear in their schedule as normal. Rotaready will clearly highlight that the shift is to be worked in a different site/department, so there's no need to flag this to them.

They'll be able to clock-in and out at this site too. If they use the Rotaready app, they can clock-in as they normally would. If your organisation uses Rotaready hardware, such as a wall mounted tablet, they'll need to tap I'm from another site to find their name.

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